Les patates des Andespotatoes
- 2006 GOLD MEDAL from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) for “best development project for the food security of indigenous communities”.
- 2007 SEED AWARD from the United Nations General Conference, the UNDP (UN Development Programme) and UNEP (UN Environment Programme.
- Winner of The BBC WORLD CHALLENGE “best 2007 development project”
Depuis 2004 nous sommes consultants pour le projet Tikka Papa dans les Andes pour revaloriser au Perou, les origines de la pomme de terre mondiale et sa biodiversite. Nous suivons son developpement, son agriculture bio, son caractere equitable, la creation de lignes de produits, leur design et esthetique, leur distribution.
Le projet Tikka papa a ete recompense par les 3 prix pour l’environnement et le developpement les plus prestigieux du monde.
Since 2004 we advise the Tikka papa project in Peru to revive the biodiversity and the access to the market of the original potatoes. We act as advisers for its development, organic agriculture, fair trade, the creation of product lines, their design, their distribution.
The Tikka papa project has received the most prestigious awards for the environment and development in the world.